Quest Academy Successful Student, Allison

Meet Allison.

Allison is a competitive wakeboarder who practices three days a week at Lake Gaston. She is also a competitive snowboarder on the Beech Mountain team. She has made it to Nationals and Worlds for wake boarding. Allison has won several local, state, regional and world titles in her division. 

Quest Academy Successful Student, Adam

Meet Adam

Adam has been playing as a starting center midfielder on the top 2009 NCFC Academy South team for 3 years, competing in both local and regional tournaments as well as league games. In 2016, Adam accompanied US National Men's Team player, Tyler Adams, onto the soccer field before the US match against Panama.

Quest Academy Successful Student, Alexis

Meet Alexis

Alexis is an accomplished golfer with 5 years of experience and has participated in First Tee Triangle Tournaments.

Quest Academy Successful Student, Chase

Meet Chase

Chase has been involved in track for 5 years and is ranked 7th in the state for the 800m, 9th for 1500m and 400m for 9-10 boys outdoor track. Chase is ranked 1st in the state for Long Jump, 2nd in the state for the 400m, and 5th in the state for the 200m for 11-12 boys outdoor track.

Quest Academy Successful Student, Dock

Meet Dock

Dock has been excelling in baseball for 7 years and has several accomplishments, including: City League - Cy Young Award Winner, City League - Outstanding Leadership Award, Top Gun Baseball Tournament Champion, and was selected as Top Gun Baseball All-Star.

Quest Academy Successful Student, Lauren

Meet Lauren

Lauren has been involved with competitive cheerleading for 4 years and her teams have placed first in multiple regional competitions. Lauren finished in the top three for east coast sectional competitions. During 'COVID competition season' she finished 5th nationally in the first-ever virtual championships.

Quest Academy Successful Student, Michael

Meet Michael

Michael has been playing tennis for 8 years and was personally undefeated in his Junior Team Tennis (JTT) singles and doubles matches in 2019. Michael's JTT team made NC State Finals, hosted in Wilmington, NC in the summer of 2021.

Quest Academy Successful Student, Naomi

Meet Naomi

Naomi is a competitive gymnast with 5 years of experience and has won multiple USAG North Carolina State All Around Championships. Naomi's dedication continues to pay off as she was the North Carolina USAG Regional All Around Chamion for the 2020-2021 Season.

Quest Academy Successful Student, Natalie

Meet Natalie.

Natalie's accomplishments include State Champion on class and cruiser bikes, national gold cup 2 on a cruiser bike and national gold cup 3 on a class bike, in addition to training with Olympic gold and silver medalists for the US, 2022 UCI World Championship Qualifier for both bikes.


The application window for the 2025-2026 School Year is closed.

Welcome to Quest Academy Charter School

Achieving Excellence in Academics While Pursuing Individual Talents.

Quest Academy will provide a quality academic accelerated day program for motivated students who are pursuing high-intensity training outside the classroom. Quest Academy is designed to promote academic excellence and substantial extracurricular involvement in athletics or performance in fine arts. This activity does not equate with religious or youth activities and includes professional instruction outside of the home.

So what does high-intensity training outside the classroom mean? Enrolled students need to be in an activity for the given amount of hours designated by grade each week. Ice Hockey, Figure Skating, Gymnastics, Wakeboarding, Swimming, Soccer, Tennis, Tae-Kwon-Do, Horseback Riding, Football, Baseball/Softball, Basketball, Golf, Ballet/Dance, Piano, and Acting/Theater are all activities which fall under our mission. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Indian Princess, Indian Guides, Choir, Church Youth Group, and Art Classes do not fall under our Mission Statement.

Quest Academy News