What is a Charter School?
Quest is a tuition free, independently operated public school funded with federal, state and local tax dollars. Quest was established to provide families with more educational alternatives for their children who are involved in extra curricular activities. Quest is a non-profit organization ap-proved by the Local Board of Education and has its own Board of Directors.
Are your teachers certified?
All classes have certified teachers who use various teaching techniques to facilitate the success of their students. Four of those teachers are Board Certified.
Do you have Special Education Services?
Yes, as all public schools are regulated by state and federal policy regarding Special Education services.
How does your school perform academically?
Each year students consistently demonstrate, through State testing, their ability to maintain the highest academic standards. We are one of the top performing schools in the state of North Carolina. For more information on test results,
click here.
Is there a dress code?
Quest students don’t wear uniforms. Students must adhere to the Dress Code Policy given to each student the first day of school.
Is there a lunch program?
Quest does not have a cafeteria; students provide their own lunch. Lunches can be purchased from an outside vendor five days per week.
Is there bus service?
Bus service is not provided. Parents provide their own transportation.
What is the length of the school day?
Our normal school day is 8:30AM-1:30 PM. Students can enter the building at 8:15AM.
What is your class size?
Our classroom size is 16 students per classroom.
Who can attend Quest?
The lottery process is open to all students in grades K-8. Like other public schools, we do not discriminate our enrollment based on race, gender, religion, ethnicity, or disability of a student. However, per board policy, students have to meet admission requirements in order for application to be placed in the school lottery.