What is Read to Achieve?
Read to Achieve is part of the Excellent Schools Act passed into NC law in July 2012 and applies to all schools beginning 2013-2014 school year. Read to Achieve focuses on preparing students to be proficient readers by the end of 3rd grade. North Carolina state law now requires third grades who are not reading at a proficient level on the end-of-grade test be given extra attention.
Quest Academy Data:
- For the 2023-24 school year, 100% of Quest Academy 3rd graders were proficient on the State approved standardized test of reading comprehension.
- All 17 3rd graders taking the State approved standardized test of reading comprehension returned and were promoted to 4th grade.
- No 3rd graders were required to take the alternate assessment.
- No 3rd graders were retained for not demonstrating reading proficiency.
- No 3rd graders were exempt from mandatory retention due to good cause exemption.